Wednesday 26 November 2008

Email Marketing is all About Building Trust and Relationships

Building trust and relationships through email marketing is the result of writing a quality newsletter. Your newsletter will enhance the level of customer service you give and at the same time lead your customers closer to their goal. As a result of giving your customers a better perceptive of your service, it will strengthen relationships and that should be your goal, to gain a good relationship with your customer. A strong relationship will lead to a successful business.Good email marketing is at it’s best when you use the method of building trust to gain a good relationship with your newsletter. Through building a good relationship with your customers, you will gradually win their trust. You’ll discover that this is your best email marketing strategy to apply to building a profitable business.How do I build a strong relationship and gain their trust? First of all, you can start by adding a form on your website and asking them to sign up for your newsletter. This is a great way to build up your Opt-In mailing list. An Opt-in mailing list is permission based, so it will give your business a responsible way to extend your reach toward your targeted market. The people who come to visit your site are your targeted market because they are already interested in what you have to offer. Now that they have made their own choice to be on your mailing list, they have just given you their permission to send them your newsletter. This is high-quality, targeted email marketing. Why is this high-quality? They are a caring audience who has already said they want to hear from you on a regular basis. Now that these people self-select themselves as your prospects, you are not invading their privacy or sending out messages to people who are not interested.Here are five steps to building trust and relationships with your newsletter. In following these steps, you will gain the trust of your customers that will lead into a strong relationship, that will lead into a successful and trustworthy business.1. Allow for easy opt-out. Opt-out is instruction on how they can remove themselves from your email list if they wish to stop receiving your newsletter. By showing an opt-out, you will assure them that they can opt-out at anytime, by doing this you are on your way to gaining their trust. Gaining their trust is not just very important, it is necessary.2. Offer something of value. By following this example, whatever your service is, if you give them valuable information that can help them, you will find that they will be waiting for your email to arrive in their inbox as long as you give your readers valuable information according to your service. 3. Follow through on your promises. If you make a promise, stick to it! Go back on your word and bottom line, your done, you lost their trust. Always put yourself in your customer’s shoes, how would you feel if someone made a promise to you and did not keep it? 4. Building a relationship takes time. You will discover that when you publish your own newsletter, it will be your best approach to succeed at building one. Your goal is to get the most out of your customer relationship, so that you can eventually get yourself in a good position to get to be on a one to one relationship. A one to one relationship is writing your newsletter as if you were writing to one person and yet it is going out to many. Once you accomplish that, you are on your road to success. This is why it is very important to write valuable information for your customers. Using relationship email marketing on the web by publishing your own quality newsletter will help you do just that.5. Ask yourself the question, “Would you be more likely to pay out your money to someone you know, like, trust, and have a good relationship with, rather than someone you do not know?“ This is why it is so important to build a relationship of trust and gain the confidence of our customers and potential customers, so that they will eventually make a purchase from us in the near future. (Tip) When marketing on the internet it takes several contacts with a prospective customer before you make a sale. This is where email marketing kicks in.


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